Environmental advocate and Nerby About Nature host Ross Reid will represent the BC Greens for Mid Island-Pacific Rim in the upcoming provincial election. The party made the announcement just days before the Legislature was dissolved to begin election proceedings. "Ross Reid is a tremendous advocate for the environment, social justice and the type of evidence-based, long-term thinking we need more of in politics," said leadership candidate Sonia Furstenau.

"As en educator and multi-media creator, he's already made a positive impact." Reid was born and raised in the Cascadian Bioregion. He has a BFA in Film and Minor in Biology, as well as an MBA.

Reid launched 'Nerdy About Nature,' a multi-media project, in 2019. The show educates viewers on nature and humans' interrelationship to it. Reid also works in ecological watershed restoration with Redd Fish Restoration Society.

"Growing up amongst the beautiful lands and waters we all share, I've witnessed first hand the lack of accountability for their degradation," Reid said. "I'm concerned about the housing crisis, old growth logging, the drug epidemic, job instability and lack of climate action," he added. "I'm tired of being offered band-aid solutions that fail to address the real root of these issues: growing social inequality and systems that favour the hyper-wealthy.

" Incumbent NDP candidate Josie Osborne wasted no time putting up election signs around Port Alberni shortly after the writ dropped Saturday, Sept. 21. Osborne is.