One of The Traitors’ original contestants has sparked a ‘feud’ with one of his season 3 counterparts, after she was abruptly killed on the show during Thursday’s nail biting episode. Former contestant Ivan Brett, who featured in the first series of the BBC smash hit, didn’t last long during his time on the show, surviving just five episodes before he was 'banished'. Yet despite his early exit, this hasn’t stopped him from ranting about the ‘murder’ of Yin after she made her debut on the latest series.

During Ivan’s tenure on the show, he was eliminated in episode five after a dramatic round table that saw magician Tom Elderfield convince the contestants that Ivan was a Traitor, despite him being a faithful. And a similar fate appears to have befallen Yin, after she was the first contestant to be eliminated from the 2025 series after being 'murdered' by the Traitors . Taking to social media to call out the communications professional for not having hidden her intentions more clearly, Ivan fumed: “Oh Yin.

Did you learn nothing from me? If you’ve a shred of qualification to do well in this game, HIDE IT. Feeling gutted for her.” A fan responded to the post, which was shared on social media, replying: “Feel bad for her.

Feel like they should’ve gone for Nathan as he clocked Linda too fast and started getting people talking about her.” A second fan also agreed adding: “Poor Yin – but tbh she was prime scapegoat material.” The third series of The.