Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox We have more newsletters Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox We have more newsletters Hayley Matthews, a former BBC presenter, has been caught in a shocking scandal after admitting to embezzling £120,000 from her mother's bank accounts . The lavish lifestyle she led was funded by the stolen cash between September 2019 and November 2022. It wasn't until family members raised questions about the size of Ms Matthews's estate following her death at an Edinburgh care facility in 2021 that the truth came to light.

The 44 year old from Edinburgh pleaded guilty on June 27 at Edinburgh Sheriff Court to one charge of embezzlement. On Thursday 25 July, she received a sentence of two years and three months behind bars at the same court. Lynne Barrie, procurator fiscal for Lothian and Borders, didn't mince her words, saying: "Hayley Matthews was placed in a position of family trust to oversee her mother's financial affairs.

But she abused that responsibility by stealing thousands of pounds and used that money to brazenly fund an extravagant lifestyle," reports the Express . Lynne Barrie also made it clear that such exploitation of vulnerable individuals would not go unpunished, stating: "This case demonstrates that those who seek to exploit vulnerable victims for their own personal gain will be held to account for their crimes." The trial revealed that Matthews,.