A contestant on BBC's Only Connect quiz show has been forced to hit back at online trolls following her appearance on the show last week. After the show aired on Monday [August 12] Danielle Cope, who was part of the Al Frescans team, decided to scroll through X. And unfortunately, she was faced with a stream of unkind messages by online trolls, who made negative comments about her appearance - without mentioning that her team won by an outstanding ten points.

After browsing through the social media platform, it was reported that she was "shocked" to witness that most of the comments were about her, instead of the show. She wrote on X: "Browsing through tweets about Only Connect and was kinda shocked to see that most of them are about me. But then again I am a loud, fat, confident woman.

Maybe I should be proud that I have annoyed so many people! I cringed at 99% of the things I said too." She added: "Also funny that so many people take saying it 'hornèd viper' as pretension rather than silliness. Anyway, glad to have made an impression and helped the series get off with a bang.

Can't wait to just watch it like normal next week." And the BBC show's host Victoria Coren Mitchell , who is married to comedy star David Mitchell , also supported Danielle. She wrote: "Ssh now get away with you, you gorgeous creature.

Social media isn’t real, it’s just a place people go to shout things. You’re clever and fun and the viewers love you." And Danielle wasted no time in responding .