As the world's longest-running primetime medical drama, Casualty is a staple of the BBC but as it approaches its 40th anniversary in 2026, the show might see some changes According to a brand and culture expert, the veteran series could undergo to "secure longevity and attract younger viewers", following the harsh cut of fellow medical dramas Doctors and Holby City. In shocking news to fans, it was announced back in 2021 that the beloved spin-off Holby City would end after a 23-year run, with its final episode airing in March 2022. Adding to the list of departures, Doctors broadcast its last episode after a 27-year-long run, yet Casualty has consistently held its spot in the BBC's coveted Saturday primetime slot since its 1986 debut.

It even broke tradition with a riveting Christmas Day special aired on Saturday (December 21). Usually, the show takes a break during the festive season. Rochelle White from Rochelle White Agency has shared her thoughts on the future of Casualty as it approaches its 40th anniversary in 2026.

She said: "In regards to Casualty coming back for a Christmas Special, I feel that this could be a way for the BBC to see if it is a show worth keeping and investing in. I'm aware that they have taken breaks in the past due to increasing costs. However, this could be a test to see how popular it is.

"It currently airs every Saturday, but it could be turned into more like Midsummer Murders on ITV , be hour and a half long specials. Where it airs once or twice .