During Monday's (August 19) cosy chat on the famous red sofa with Ben and Sally Nugent, Vito Coppola shared his thoughts on his stint in Celebrity MasterChef as well as his take on British adaptations of Italian cuisine. The conversation took a comical turn when they broached the subject of 'British crimes against Italian food'. Prompted by Ben's question: "We Brits love Italian food, but it's probably not that authentic sometimes.

There's quite a lot of British crimes against Italian food. So go on, what's the worst? =" Vito didn't hold back expressing his culinary disdain: "The worst is between the cream in the carbonara and the pineapple on the pizza. Maybe it's pineapple on pizza.

" Ben's fondness for pineapples on pizza provoked a mock-threat from Vito and even co-host Sally sided against Ben exclaiming: "You don't!" As Ben defended the contentious pairing: "Ham and pineapple pizza? It's amazing!" Vito offered a common-sense perspective, explaining: "You know why? Because pizza is pizza. You know what I mean? I don't put chocolate cream on fish and chips, I don't do that! So why do we have to put pineapple on the pizza? It's so beautiful with the sauce, the tomato and the mozzarella." Ben remarked: "It's just a little bit sweet!" to which Vito responded with hands clasped in a pleading gesture, asking, "Why? Why? I'm almost crying because of this.

" Meanwhile, speaking on the recent drama surrounding Strictly, Vito said that the team is akin to a "big family" and always th.