The Scottish Government has intervened in controversial plans to build a horse trotting track within the historic boundary of Bannockburn battlefield . Approval for the track was granted by Stirling Council earlier this month with the decision leading to a furious response from National Trust for Scotland (NTS), which manages part of the battlefield. In an unprecedented step, NTS urged its 300,000 or so members to write to the government in protest over the decision given the development would “destroy” one of the last remaining areas where Robert the Bruce and his men defeated Edward II’s troops in 1314.

Now, the government has confirmed the decision has been “called in” for review by a planning reporter, who will advise ministers on whether the scheme should go ahead or not. With the final decision on the development now resting with ministers, NTS urged them to reject the “damaging and unsuitable proposal” – claiming the track would “desecrate one of Scotland’s most significant heritage sites”. Stuart Brooks, the charity’s director for conservation and policy, thanked those who lobbied government over the plans.

READ MORE: NTS urges its 330,000 members to flood SNP ministers with objections over Bannockburn horse track Mr Brooks said: “The National Trust for Scotland is very pleased to hear that Scottish ministers have listened to our request to call in this damaging and unsuitable development proposal for determination. “Along with many others,.