Dear Heloise : Our residential neighborhood has barn swallows. In mid-May, we realized that they had built a beautiful nest in the corner of our very small porch, and a female sat on it as the male watched from close by. When we sure that the eggs were hatched and the babies were gone, my husband took down the nest and cleaned the porch.

He installed a 12-inch owl to discourage them from coming back. Today we found that they had started a nest behind the owl. When we removed the nest, two hours later, they had started to build on the owl’s head.

We need help. — Linda E. Conway, Ark.

Finding hidden money Dear Heloise : The letter from Susan, in Los Angeles, reminded me of my mother. We had a set of encyclopedias, and my mother would hide money in different volumes. When I got married and had a home of my own, I took the set with me.

I haven’t checked each volume, but occasionally, I’ll find a bill when looking something up. — Mary E. Amsden Temple, NH Leave caps on Dear Heloise : In a recent column, K.

M., of San Antonio, wrote about removing caps before recycling. But caps are recyclable and compatible with standard processing equipment.

See the attached link for more info: ? — Dave McIntosh Kalamazoo, Mich. Reusing discarded appliance shelving Dear Heloise : Throughout the years, when I have replaced an unrepairable refrigerator or dishwasher, I have saved the door shelving, clear fruit/veggie bins, and dishwasher cutle.