Can you feel the Kenergy? Following the success of the 2023 film “ Barbie ,” Greta Gerwig recently played coy about the possibility of a Ken movie starring Ryan Gosling . During an interview on Sunday , “60 Minutes” correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi asked Gerwig if “there ever was a Ken Movie.” Gerwig stated she couldn’t comment on that but wouldn’t totally rule it out.

“I mean, the truth is, you know — I guess we’ll see,” the director said with a smile. Gerwig had found her perfect Ken early on in creating “Barbie.” The 41-year-old and her partner — in both work and life — filmmaker Noah Baumbach explained that they alway had Gosling in mind to play Ken while writing the script.

The couple even wrote the 43-year-old actor’s full name next to Ken’s lines in the first draft. Gerwig and Baumbach had so many ideas for Ken in the final draft that they couldn’t fit them all into the script. An earlier version of the script saw the “Ken effect” in the real world and included a scene in which Gosling played himself.

“We had way too much material for Ken. We would write, and write, and write,” Gerwig admitted before Baumbach warned her not to “give it away.” For now, the duo is still basking in the worldwide phenomenon of the “Barbie” movie, which was the highest-grossing film of 2023 and brought in more than a billion dollars worldwide.

Baumbach, however, didn’t know what he was getting into when Gerwig first brought him on board. �.