In a year marked by eccentric fashion trends, a Belarusian retailer has taken the spotlight with bubble wrap outfits that have gone viral. The dresses, priced from S$116 (approximately ₹7,200), have gained attention for their unique and playful design, making them the perfect alternative to traditional New Year’s Eve attire. The collection, which includes a dress and a jacket, was created by a brand known as ZNWR, often referred to as the "Balenciaga of Belarus.

" The viral moment began when a woman posted a TikTok video from a mall in Minsk, showing off the bubble wrap dress she discovered on display. Her humorous comment, “Girls, if you’re looking for a dress, here you go,” quickly caught the attention of thousands. The video, which has since garnered over 115,000 views, humorously demonstrated that the dress, made entirely of bubble wrap, was a legitimate fashion piece, not just packing material.

The dress features large, bubble-filled panels that offer a satisfying popping experience, adding a quirky touch to the design. To confirm that it was a genuine fashion item, the TikTok user showed its zipper and price tag, which read 280 Belarussian rubles (S$116 or approximately ₹7,200). ZNWR, the brand behind the designs, has promoted the outfits as ideal for those seeking to stand out from the usual velvet and satin ensembles often seen on New Year’s Eve.

The collection is highly limited, with only 20 dresses and 20 jackets available. The jacket is priced at 380 r.