Baldur’s Gate 3’s separate mod toolkit tool finally being in the hands of talented mod creators is set to kick down the door with near-infinite possibilities. When I first heard the news Larian wasn’t going to make any DLC or even a sequel in Baldur’s Gate 4 , like many others, I was devastated. Larian made a game so amazing that I couldn’t help but fall in love with it, no matter how many hours I’ve sunk into it or how many runs I have made, it’s still calling to me.

While that’s the case, the game’s modding community has been cooking even before Patch 7 dropped, making all sorts of new races, classes, and even spells available , adding to the game’s replayability in a big way. But now that we have the official mod support and the separate Baldur’s Gate 3 mod toolkit , I think things are about to get far more interesting. Mods add so much flavor and replayability in Baldur’s Gate 3 For the uninitiated, let’s take you back to how things were before all these additions came.

Prior to the game’s official mod support dropped, it was already possible to install mods to the game. The only problem is that you had to go through a ton of hoops for them to work. Let’s say you wanted to add the new races or party limit mod to your game.

You couldn’t simply just copy and paste these files in the Baldur’s Gate 3 mod folder to be able to use them. First, you had to download either Baldur’s Gate 3 Mod Manager or Vortex and fiddle around with the settings.