Larian are currently working on two "ambitious" new games Larian Studios has claimed that because Baldur’s Gate 3 was so vast, developers are struggling to come up with new ideas. Baldur’s Gate 3 was released in 2023 but earlier this year, Larian confirmed it wouldn’t be releasing a direct sequel or an expansion , despite already starting work on both . “We’ll forever be proud of it but we’re not going to continue in it.

We’re not going to make new expansions which everybody is expecting. We’re not going to make Baldur’s Gate 4 which everybody is expecting us to do. We’re going to move on,” confirmed Swen Vincke.

“We are a company of big ideas,” he added. Since then, Vincke has told fans they should be “ very excited ” about what comes next, with the studio working on two new games that will be better than anything they’ve made before . It was later confirmed Larian are working on two “very ambitious” new role-playing games , that are both based on original IPs.

However in a new interview with PC Gamer , writing director Adam Smith confirms the studio keeps running into an issue when developing these new titles. “One of the biggest problems we have now is that, whenever we’re talking about things, we say we did that in Baldur’s Gate 3 ,” says Smith. “We did a lot of things in BG3 when we think back to it.

” “You’re constantly trying to make sure that [players] are getting a new experience, and you’re not just repeating your.