Alfira is an incredibly popular NPC in Baldur’s Gate 3 , with multiple players getting their hearts broken by the events of her being in their Durge run. However, she’s never been a fully recruitable companion..

. until now. ( Spoilers for a Dark Urge run incoming.

) If you’re playing as a Dark Urge , the chances are you’ve already had the ‘Alfira experience’. During this, she asks to join your camp, much to the thrill of unsuspecting players. However, during the night, your Dark urges take over, and she ends up well, not making it past the night.

Naturally, this is devastating to much of the community, who had already gotten their hopes up that she was a recruitable companion, only to be utterly betrayed by the plot. However, this could be about to change. After the seventh major patch revealed more details before its release, players on the Baldur’s Gate 3 Reddit have spotted some key Alfira changes.

“Looks like Alfira will indeed be recruitable in Patch 7” posted one user, highlighting the one bullet point stating “Alfira can now be leveled up.” While this doesn’t guarantee her recruitment, currently the only characters that can level up are companions and the player. Naturally, this got the player base extremely excited, with many jumping to the comments to celebrate: “Holy s**t, now I’m excited af.

When is the patch ?” Others were a little wary, commenting: “As much as I would love Alfira to be a permanent companion, I think about all the d.