One Baldur’s Gate 3 player has shared one particular interaction you shouldn’t miss out on if you want to raise Astarion’s approval. Since Baldur’s Gate 3 launched last year, it’s no secret that Astarion has become one of the community’s favorites . Despite many praising his in-depth storyline , however, the rogue vampire can be quite tricky to please – especially if you’re running a morally good playthrough.

Much of his disapproval comes from when you decide to help others, whether that’s lending a hand to the Tieflings in the grove , agreeing with Halsin to kill the Goblin leaders, or even freeing a particular artist in the Zhentarim hideout . The list goes on. Luckily, you don’t always have to be cold-hearted to have the vampire by your side, as one player has shared the “key” to raising his approval to high for those who are struggling in a Reddit thread .

The user explained that after dealing with getting stuck on medium approval despite Astarion “seemingly warming up” to their “goddy-two-shoes Tav” from his greetings, they’ve found a way to reach high approval without having to “betray” their “good playthrough.” “And I did it by ..

. quietly admiring a cat ..

. That was it. That was the deciding factor, the last act that made Astarion go from not minding to liking my people-pleasing Tav,” they wrote.

“So, to everyone else struggling to earn Astarion’s approval with a good-aligned Tav, just know the key to his heart is the .