One Baldur’s Gate 3 has decided to call it quits after one particular item messed up their Honor Mode Dark Urge run. There are just so many things that can go wrong in your Baldur’s Gate 3 playthrough. Maybe you accidentally got caught stealing after failing a roll or turned into a wheel of cheese .

Either way, one way to play it safely is to save every once in a while in case things don’t go as planned. While it’s possible to redo things by loading an earlier save, this is not the case in an Honor Mode run – unless you’re willing to go through hoops. One player has decided to call their Dark Urge Honor Mode run quits after getting in trouble for using one item before going to bed.

Sharing their story in a Reddit thread , the user mentioned that it all started with purchasing the Risky Ring from Araj in Moonrise Towers and equipping it. For the uninitiated, the Risky Ring gives the wearer an advantage on Attack Rolls, but it comes with a cost. Using it means that you’ll also receive a disadvantage on Saving Throws.

As the player wanted to prepare themself to free the Tieflings from prison , they decided to take a long rest. However, apparently, that’s the same night the butler tells them to off Gale. “Whatever, I deny him and go to wake up Gale,” they said.

Related: This is where things started to go downhill. “With disadvantage on saving throws, I roll four times and fail every time to suppress my urge. After stabbing him, everyone can’t believe I kil.