Patch 7 has buffed the difficulty of some of Baldur’s Gate 3’s hardest bosses, but one has received a power so devastating that players are struggling to overcome it. Baldur’s Gate 3’s Honour Mode adds combat elements native to D&D, such as Legendary Actions, which allow bosses to respond at the end of player turns. These are intended to make up for the action economy, as a group of characters can do a lot against a single foe, especially when debuffs/status effects are used.

Larian Studios promised that some bosses would be made even tougher in Honour Mode . According to fans on the BG3 Reddit , they may have overdone things, as the Bulette boss in the Underdark is now almost impossible to kill for the level range it’s encountered at. The Bulette’s Diamond Scales condition gives it 100 extra temporary hit points, the Grounded condition (preventing it from being moved), and it takes no damage from any source that hurts it for 15 or fewer hit points in a single attack.

Also, the first time it’s hit each round, it can respond with the powerful Shredding Scales attack. The 15 point restriction is the biggest issue players are facing, as it means you can’t chip away at the Bulette. They have to go all in on big attacks, which you don’t get many of at the level 4-5 range , which is when you are likely to meet the enemy.

“5 barrels of Smokepowder Barrels went off. Bro took 30 damage and shrugged off most of it. I ran away, might retry with the Runepowder, but da.