Larian Studios has revealed a hilarious animation reference for one of the wildest scenes in Baldur’s Gate 3. Players who have decided to get down and dirty with the game’s hottest Mind Flayer are more than familiar with the game’s slimiest romance scene. However, few know exactly what was referenced for the game’s talented animators.

Baldur’s Gate 3 stroking reference Revealed on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit by a Larian Studios community manager, the animation reference for the game’s Emperor sex scene was one animator stroking a packet of Golden Oreos. Senior Cinematic Artist, Elodie Ceselli recorded a video of themselves sensually stroking a half-eaten packet of cream-filled biscuits to animators to recreate for Tav’s tentacle exploration. “I can only apologise,” said a Larian community manager in response to fans.

After seeing the animation reference, fans are now concerned they can never look at a packet of Golden Oreos ever again. “I like the thought that your senior cinematic artist sent this to people and was like: “This is how I want the tentacles to be stroked’.” one fan commented.

“I miss the person I was before seeing this video,” said another. “All I can think of is unpeeling the tentacle to grab a Golden Oreo.” Romancing The Emperor While companions like Gale are so loved they’ve saved players from abusive relationships , The Emperor is not as popular as other romance options.

Nevertheless, there is a full romance path that.