The writer behind Baldur’s Gate 3’s Dark Urge apologized to fans who ship the character with the villainous Gortash for the lack of a canon romance. Perhaps no character in Baldur’s Gate 3 has been as controversial as Enver Gortash. The leader of the Cult of the Absolute and Chosen of Bane, God of Tyranny, has plenty of fans who want to see him get a better ending .

At the same time, other players don’t understand the hype surrounding Gortash , with many mercilessly mocking the fact that he’s described in-game as a “handsome young man with an easy smile.” Beyond that, others have called for the game to make the Jason Isaacs-voiced villain a romance option, specifically for the Dark Urge Origin character with whom he has a long backstory. Now, Baudelaire Welch, Baldur’s Gate 3’s romance and companion design lead who also wrote the Dark Urge’s story, has admitted they would have done things differently if they’d known how players would react to the characters.

In an interview with Eurogamer , Welch admitted they “believe in the Dark Urge x Gortash ship wholeheartedly,” though they “never saw it coming” during development. That largely seems to be due to the writers imagining Gortash in a very different way from what’s in the final product. “I think we always imagined that Gortash was going to be an 80 year-old man over the course of development,” Welch said.

However, things changed after the team saw Gortash’s character model and heard Jaso.