On Friday, actress Neha Dhupia threw a delightful birthday bash for her daughter Mehr, filled with warmth, laughter, and an array of star-studded guests. Among them were Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli, who brought a touch of glamour to the celebration. Anushka, in particular, stood out with her effortlessly chic look, showing how to turn simple wardrobe staples into a party-ready outfit.

For the occasion, Anushka wore a crisp white button-down top with billowy sleeves, striking the perfect balance between elegance and ease. The relaxed fit of the top, enhanced by ribbed cuffs, gave it a playful, airy vibe, while the structured cuffs added a subtle touch of sophistication. She paired the top with wide-leg, straight-cut denim jeans, creating a sleek and modern silhouette.

The clean lines of the jeans paired perfectly with the breezy top, giving her look a polished yet casual feel. The wide-leg style, with its relaxed movement, added a chic touch that elevated her overall outfit. Airport diaries: Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli and rock the casual look Keeping the accessories minimal, Anushka opted for a classic wristwatch and simple black flat sandals, proving that comfort and style can easily go hand-in-hand.

Her makeup was soft yet fresh, with rosy blush, pale pink lips, and defined brows enhancing her natural beauty. She finished the look with a touch of mascara and let her hair fall in natural waves, maintaining the understated elegance of her outfit. Virat Kohli, matching t.