Friday, August 16, 2024 Between January and July 2024, the Republic of Azerbaijan saw a significant influx of international visitors, with 1,502,700 foreigners or stateless individuals arriving from 182 different countries. This marks a notable increase of 31.4% compared to the same timeframe in the previous year, as reported by APA-Economics, citing the State Statistical Committee.

The data reflects a growing interest in Azerbaijan as a travel destination, with visitors from various regions contributing to this rise. The statistics show that the Russian Federation accounted for the largest portion of visitors, making up 29.2% of the total.

Following Russia, Türkiye was the second-largest source of tourists, representing 16.5% of all international arrivals. Visitors from India and Iran also formed significant groups, with 9.

3% and 8.3% respectively. These numbers indicate a strong presence of travelers from neighboring and regional countries.

Further analysis reveals that Saudi Arabia contributed 4.2% of the total visitors, while Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Pakistan followed with 4.0%, 3.

2%, and 2.7% respectively. There was also a noticeable number of tourists from Uzbekistan and the United Arab Emirates, each comprising 1.

7% of the total. China, Ukraine, and Kuwait each accounted for 1.5% and 1.

3% of the visitors, showcasing the diverse origins of Azerbaijan’s tourist population. Additionally, smaller percentages were recorded from Turkmenistan, Israel, Oman, and Belarus, w.