Former Bollywood actor Ayesha Takia called out her trolls after making an Instagram comeback following a brief deactivation. To Read Lifestyle Stories in Urdu- Click Here After a brief deactivation of her official Instagram handle, amid the trolling over her ‘unrecognizable’ looks and plastic surgery claims, Ayesha Takia returned to the social platform over the weekend. A post shared by 🧿Ayesha Takia Azmi (@ayeshatakia) Soon after her comeback, the ‘Wanted’ actor penned an indirect message to the keyboard warriors, for dissecting over her looks, in the comments section of her latest post.

Reposting a reel, with the text overlay, “Jealous? Darling, your maximum doesn’t even reach my minimum,” on her stories, Takia added, “For the peasants with an opinion.” It is worth noting here that Takia posted some recent videos of herself on the picture and video-sharing platform last week, when numerous social users turned to the comments section, with harsh comments and opinions about her looks, and trolled the actor for allegedly ruining her face with surgical beauty procedures. Also Read: Armeena Rana calls out trolls colour-shaming her husband After the incident, she deactivated her Insta account for a couple of days, before making a stronger comeback.

Previously, she responded to the trolls earlier this year, over her rare paparazzi video. Takia penned, “Turns out there are no other important issues in the country except dissecting my looks. Literally, get ove.