Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's quasi-royal tour is in full swing - and today they got their groove on at a drumming school session. The couple arrived at the event, held in a barn-style building , yards from the Caribbean Sea in a suburb of the port city of Cartagena. Meghan wore a sleek black dress and carried a cream coloured handbag, while Harry plumped a blue linen shirt, sunglasses and beige chinos.

Students from the school, called Escuela Taller Tambores de Cabildo de la Boquilla, which preserves the art-form of traditional African drumming, performed for them amid tight security. The astonishing security detail included heavily armed soldiers, police officers and sharp-suited private security guards, as well as snipers and drones. A van containing a chemical biological nuclear response unit joined the huge cavalcade of vehicles that arrived alongside the couple.

On arrival, Harry and Meghan were greeted by the booming sounds of drums and the school's founder Rafael Ramos. Onlookers cried their names as they rushed into the building, but before the entered, the couple were greeted by warm handshakes. According to body language expert Judi James, Meghan was in her element at the loud and colourful event, while Harry appeared more reserved and slightly glum they walked in.

She said: "Harry and Meghan have traditionally shared the lead role of some of their events in the past, taking it in turns to step into the spotlight. Day three of this tour though throws up some bod.