There's no season that gets gardeners excited quite like spring . Not only does our hard work pruning and planting seeds and bulbs  start to pay off with colourful blooms and new growth, there are so many more plants available for our gardens. And sunny, warm weather makes it so much more appealing for spending time outside.

READ MORE: The $29 Kmart plant stand hack just got even better All this gets green thumbs so keen to get started that we forget to consider budget, time and energy. "I think the biggest mistake that people make that get wrapped up with the excitement of the oncoming spring is over committing to too much garden," Kath Meier, landscape designer from VLDA and Hunter Landscape Design + Construct tells 9honey Living. "People want a beautiful garden filled with beautiful spring blooms so they go crazy at the nursery and buy as many plants as they can.

However in reality they don't have the time to look after the amount of garden they have envisioned. So they are evidently setting themselves up for failure and will be disappointed with the result and will often brand themselves as a non-gardener." Instead Meier suggests planning a small garden that you know you'll have time and energy to care for.

She encourages gardeners to "be absolutely honest" with yourself about the size of garden you can realistically look after, even if it's just one pot or a planter. "A small beautiful garden will be much more rewarding than a big ugly mess," she says. REA.