Avi Hyman, a seasoned communications expert and business owner, wears many hats. Married to Malca Hyman and father to five young children – six-year-old twins, a four-year-old, a two-year-old, and a five-week-old – Hyman juggles his family responsibilities with the same skill he brings to his professional life. He runs Avi Hyman Communications, a business that helps private companies, many in the tech sector, tighten their messaging and secure media appearances.

He wrote his first press release at age 16 and has never stopped. Hyman, 43, grew up in the United Kingdom, where he began advocating for Israel. At 17, he left home and came to Israel on his own.

Now Hyman has tacked another role onto those of “dad” and “boss.” On October 10, just three days into the war, he began nine months of service as an Israeli government spokesperson. Forced recently to abandon the position, being needed more at home after his wife had given birth, Hyman still makes himself available to the team as it manages Israel’s ongoing media war against Hamas in Gaza.

The public role was a significant departure from his private work. Most of his life, he advised others on how to appear in front of the camera, but by October 10 it was his time to sit in what he described as “an uncomfortable seat in the Tel Aviv Spokespersons Office, staring into a black box [a turned-off teleprompter] with a camera on the other side, and hot lights from every which direction.” Worse than dealing with h.