There's nothing women find hotter than a group of grown men in a s**t car calling out lewd things from the window when they drive by. It's honestly hard to stop yourself from tearing down the pavement after them, screaming, sobbing, crying as they drive off, desperately yelling your phone number out in the hopes they'll contact you again. Obviously, this is blatantly not true but for years men continue to catcall women as though it's a fun hobby and not something that is disgusting at best, and terrifying and dangerous at worst.

Now an , has called out a group of men who made it their mission to make her uncomfortable recently when she was on a walk. Laura described on TikTok that she was out for a walk, when a car full of men slowed down and waited until she caught up to them, to then go on to make comments about her body. "I actually think they thought they were giving me a compliment," she said.

"Let me tell you, calling 'sexy baby' out of the car doesn't make me feel good," she said. "Commenting on my body or any person's body, yelling out across the street [or] stopping in a car and following someone when they're walking, that makes them feel unsafe, that makes them feel violated, that makes them feel objectified." "If you think that's appropriate, it is not," she finished the TikTok with.

It's hard to believe in the year of 2024 men are still letting their dirty little inside thoughts win by yelling out at women. People on TikTok shared their own experiences when it cam.