For just $15.00 a month, you can access Audible’s complete library of audiobooks and podcasts, which includes over 22 specialized collection sections, 3 Audible original sections, and 4 main categories containing 41 subcategories. The entire library is easy to browse from the main menu.

Spending countless hours looking for something to read has always been one of the biggest complaints from users on websites. My favourite section is True Crime, especially podcasts. I’ve been listening to true crime since my daughter introduced me to Sword and Scale about three years ago.

I’ve been a crime junkie ever since. I don’t like to watch people in distress, so it’s a good way to listen without having to view the details. Most readers would agree, imagination is sometimes better than reality.

Podcasts build popularity based on a few factors, including voice, personality, and storyline. Contrary to popular belief, most podcasts are not executed on the spot. The main plotlines are written well in advance to ensure authenticity.

The podcaster can add viewpoints and change the narrative, but they must adhere to the same standards and guidelines as any other media outlet. Hosted by Ashley Flowers and Brit Prawat, Crime Junkie is considered the top crime podcast and has been ranked as the top spot by Apple Podcasts for two years in a row. Every week, Brit and Ashley share a true crime story in a format that is reminiscent of campfire and sleepover ghost stories, with the only diffe.