Let’s start with a gloriously progressive vision of England. Lilli Bolero , the latest recording by Martin Newell and his band Cleaners from Venus, is a work of low-fi genius, up there with the all time definitive classic They Could Have Been Bigger Than The Beatles by the TV Personalities, and that is high praise indeed. It is the very essence of positive Englishness — yes, such a thing does exist, although it is often obscured by bollocks — and is a huge steaming streaming hit, which will worry Martin, a legendarily private person, and also make him very happy.

I heard some of these songs at the recent anti-Farage gig Martin and I did in The Odious One’s constituency, and every single second of this album is the antithesis of Farage’s loathsome vision for our country, without being “obviously political” in any way. Indeed, the title track is a reference to an anti-Irish flag-shagging anthem set to a Purcell tune during the Protestant rebellion of 1688 which brought William of Orange to the throne. The Critic Alights At Holborn is a beautiful evisceration of the profession of English music journalist, or critic in general, in the 1980s (I know, I was one) and the whole album is full of conkers, horses, graveyards and songs about the weather.

If you’re fed up with Ingerland, Martin brings you England. Balm for the soul. And especially brilliant because Martin’s from Essex.

Well done my old mate. Listen on Bandcamp . Marc Bolan was my first and greatest inspi.