Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin An anti-tourism sticker is pictured near Park Guell at the Vallcarca neighborhood on May 13, 2017 in ...

[+] Barcelona. PAU BARRENA/AFP via Getty Images AFP via Getty Images The war on tourism is starting anew, with COVID-19 quarantines officially in the rearview window. Anti-travel attacks have been common in 2024, from the spray painting of a pair of private jets at Britain’s Stansted Airport, attempts at blocking U.

S. airports, and a move to ban Israelis from visiting the Maldives. What if they gave an Olympics and nobody came? That probably won’t happen in Paris this summer, despite the violence , but many Europeans are saying they don’t want tourists.

In the U.S., Maui is still recovering from the disastrous fire that killed 102 people and destroyed historic Lahaina.

Although the Maui Economic Development Board says the island's visitor industry accounts for nearly four out of every five dollars generated there, a young hotel worker acknowledged that in Hawaii, "You're kind of raised to hate tourists.” Such attitudes, as well as the ambivalence of the Hawaiian Tourism Authority towards tourism, have given many a sense that tourists, no matter how respectful, are unwelcome. The latest news from the anti-tourist front is that Barcelona residents attacked foreign diners with water guns.

The demonstrators even put crime scene tape around hotel and café entrances. Time Magazine treated it as a big joke. “Thousan.