Summary ATP Flight School is the largest flight training company in the US, focusing on airline-oriented programs. ATP has a rich history since 1984, expanding to 83 training centers with a diverse aircraft fleet. The organization boasts partnerships with 37 airlines, offering graduates opportunities for entry-level pilot positions.

For young pilots, one of the most critical decisions to be made is what flight school to enroll in, as this is not only a major career decision, but could also have serious implications for one's future career prospects. Of the hundreds of flight training programs across the United States for young pilots, among those with the most outstanding reputations is ATP Flight School. This private organization operates an impressive 83 training centers across the United States.

As the largest flight training company in the United States, ATP Flight School is responsible for a significant portion of individual pilot training across the United States and attributes much of its success to a curriculum focused on airline-oriented programming. Today, the organization stands out as the leading supplier of pilots for America's regional airlines. These carriers operate subcontracted flights for standard commercial airlines and are the place where the majority of cadets first launch their passenger careers.

Founded over 40 years ago in Atlanta, Georgia, the organization has grown over time to include dozens of flight training facilities and operates an impressive .