There are several daily spiritual practices that we can follow to enhance our life. If we truly seek God, and if followed with sincerity, these practices can lead us to the ultimate goal of life, Enlightenment, God-realization and Moksha. One important yet simple practice is meditation.

Meditation, however, is not about sitting cross-legged on the floor, with eyes closed, a still body and a straight spine. It is about stilling the mind. Meditation is about being in silence.

Meditation enables us to cut off the outside noise, so that we can hear the divine voice. Without An Enlightened Guru, You Cannot Attain GOD | Finding Your Guiding Light- @AiRAtmaninRavi When we meditate, we stop the onslaught of thoughts by the mind. Our mind can throw at us, up to 50 thoughts a minute — this can be upto 50000 thoughts a day.

We must quieten our mind. We must move from the state of mind to the state of consciousness, a state where thoughts no longer come in a rush, but come one by one, like cable cars on a ropeway. We have to watch each thought as it comes.

We have to become a witness, an observer. Once we stop the bombardment of thoughts, we experience peace. It is in this state of ‘thought-lessness’, mindfulness, consciousness, that we can be enlightened with the truth.

But what is the truth? Unfortunately, few of us know or realize it. We live in the darkness of ignorance, believing that we are the body, mind and ego. The truth is that we are the Soul, a Spark Of Unique Life.
