When Lee Hale began coaching the Albemarle golf team in 2022, he immediately realized what role sophomore Addie Doroh would serve. “When I walked in, she was a clear No. 1 golfer,” Hale said.

“The skills were there, the mental toughness was there, the experience was there.” Doroh already had a VSGA Junior Girls’ championship under her belt, establishing herself as a top player in the area. She eventually went on to finish fourth overall at the VHSL Class 5 State Championships in 2023, which was the highest placing of any girl in the Class 5 tournament.

Doroh has been playing the sport for almost as long as it has been physically possible. “I started playing golf probably about when I was five,” Doroh said. “My dad played, and that kind of made me interested, too.

” Her commitment to her craft on the course was catalyzed while the world was on lockdown, and opportunities for other activities were less abundant. “During the COVID pandemic, I really started playing a whole lot more — there wasn’t really a whole lot else to do,” Doroh said. “It was a nice way to get out of the house.

” Albemarle’s Addie Doroh is in this week’s Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital Athlete Spotlight. Over time, she has grown an appreciation for the unique environment the game of golf offers. “I really like that it’s an individual sport, but you can still go out and have fun with friends,” Doroh said.

“Every round is different. Even if you’re playing the same c.