A man was caught with the keys to an Audi and BWM he was trying to “sell on” after they had been used in robberies. Sean Morrison, also known as Sean Smethurst, was brought before Bolton Crown Court for handling the two stolen cars and for burgling a house in Atherton. The 29-year-old had burgled the house after its occupant had gone to bed over the night of March 26 and 27 last year, with his television and PlayStation 5 inside just beneath the window.

Prosecutor Andy Scott said: “When he awoke the following morning he found the window had been smashed and his PlayStation and all off his games were missing.” Mr Scott told the court how blood found at the scene were traced to Morrison but that after being arrested he gave no comment when interviewed by police. The case was heard at Bolton Crown Court (Image: Newsquest) He was involved in further crimes in January the following year after two men used an Audi for an armed robbery at a pawnbroker in Leigh.

The Audi had been stolen in a burglary and had false plates attached. CCTV footage then showed the robbers going to their respective hostels in a silver BMW, which had also been stolen in a burglary in January this year. Mr Scott said Morrison was not connected to the burglaries or the robbery but that on February 5 this year the same silver BMW was stopped by police on Withington Road, Manchester.

One person ran off from the car while the driver, later identified as Morrison, tried to ram his way out of being boxed i.