Beloved filmmaker, Biodun Stephen Oladigbo has become a Nollywood household name as a result of her expertise in crafting engaging stories that captivate diverse audiences. A storyteller through and through, Stephen has made her mark with blockbusters like Picture Perfect, Breaded Life, Sista, A Simple Lie and many other screen favourites. She reveals her path to filmmaking in this tell-all interview, while also revealing the challenges and misconceptions that besiege the business of filmmaking.

TOMI FALADE brings excerpts as transcribed by Kofoworola Ogunbiyi. Beloved filmmaker, Biodun Stephen Oladigbo has become a Nollywood household name as a result of her expertise in crafting engaging stories that captivate diverse audiences. A storyteller through and through, Stephen has made her mark with blockbusters like Picture Perfect, Breaded Life, Sista, A Simple Lie and many other screen favourites.

She reveals her path to filmmaking in this tell-all interview, while also revealing the challenges and misconceptions that besiege the business of filmmaking. TOMI FALADE brings excerpts as transcribed by Kofoworola Ogunbiyi. lot of mistakes I made when we did ‘The Visit’.

I had, before film school featured a little bit in a show called ‘Spiders’ where Mary Njoku of Rok Studios played my daughter. So when I came back, I reached out to her. Then she had kicked off Iroko, and she was on the verge of starting Rok.

I told her I was in town, I’d just left film school and asked h.