For an artist, the studio is often a solitary space, a sanctuary for ideas to germinate and grow. But what happens when a group of artists are brought together to share this sacred ground? The Serendipity Arts Foundation’s residency program offers a glimpse into this unique experiment. For three months, a diverse ensemble of artists converged to create a vibrant ecosystem of creativity.

From the quiet contemplation of writer Saloni Jaiwal to the dynamic energy of choreographer Purnendra Meshram, the residency was a melting pot of artistic expression. As they shared their processes, inspirations, and challenges, a sense of camaraderie and mutual enrichment emerged. “It was like getting a backstage pass into the minds of other artists,” says Saloni Jaiwal, the resident writer, “ Instead of just seeing finished works, we saw the raw energy and evolution of ideas.

” Selected by a jury comprising prominent figures such as researcher and filmmaker Gautam Pemmaraju, contemporary dancer Padmini Chettur, writer and curator Premjish Achari, and visual artist Prajakta Potnis, this year’s cohort began their creative journey on May 15. The residency wasn’t about creating a unified theme, but about fostering a rich environment for individual expressions. The artists, while working on their own projects, inevitably found their work influenced by the creative energy around them.

“If you really delve in and read between the lines, you will find how our works have been influence.