Diamond drilling intersects new zones of copper at depth as the deep search EM survey identifies a 1,300m x 500m anomaly for drill testing HIGHLIGHTS 100% hit rate continues for the deep diamond drilling with thick intervals of visual copper mineralization intersected at depth below the known near-surface copper deposits The drilling confirms the large lateral extent of the Storm copper system at depth - now intersected over 10 square kilometres - and highlights the potential of Storm to host large-scale stratigraphic and structurally hosted high-grade copper deposits similar to those in the Central African Copperbelt Drill hole ST24-01 has intersected a combined total of 21.3 metres ("m") of visual copper mineralization , which includes: 6.37m of visual copper sulfide from 293.

7m downhole, and 2.43m of abundant visual copper sulfide from 302m downhole 12.5m of visual copper sulfide from 311m downhole, including 4.

6m of abundant visual native copper and copper sulfides from 315.4m downhole Drill hole ST24-02 has intersected a combined total of 99.2m of visual copper sulfide , which includes highlights: 1.

1m of abundant visual copper sulfide from 195.5m downhole, and 1.3m of abundant visual copper sulfide from 204m downhole, and 17.

1m of moderate to abundant visual copper sulfide from 404.3m downhole The deep search phase of the Moving Loop Electromagnetic (MLEM) survey has defined a 1,300m x 500m anomaly at depth below the Cirrus Deposit and The Gap Prospect, with target dril.