Dear Eric : While I was volunteering at my children’s school another mother asked me, “Why do you wear makeup?” Related Articles Asking Eric: I last saw her during our ill-fated teen stunt. Is it OK to reach out now? Asking Eric: My brother doesn’t know the money came from me, and the subterfuge is stressing me out Asking Eric: Was I elitist to encourage my daughter to ditch her boyfriend for a better prospect? Asking Eric: How do I get over my resentment about their wedding? Asking Eric: Why did nobody tell me about my son’s affair? I might have fixed things. She followed that rude question with, “I think it sends the wrong message.

” I was completely flabbergasted and didn’t know how to respond. Somehow, I felt as if she was judging my morality and that my presence was not welcome around the students. How should I have responded? – Left Holding the Makeup Bag Dear Makeup : When I read your letter, I actually said aloud, “Oh, absolutely not.

” So, you have my sympathies and my respect for not causing a scene at the school. You could have asked, in response to her statement that your makeup sends the wrong message, “And what message would that be?” That is, if you wanted to see her contort herself into a pretzel justifying the supposed salaciousness of blush and eyeliner. Most nosy people can’t really articulate their bad opinions beyond “it’s just what I think.

” But sometimes the best response is to let people be loud and wrong and away from y.