Dear Eric : I am the grandmother of a now 24-year-old grandchild. Related Articles Advice | Asking Eric: My husband uses my money to pay these women Advice | Asking Eric: Don’t let anyone order you to play ‘Wonderwall’ Advice | Asking Eric: Should we report how our boss talks about these women? Advice | Asking Eric: Is it OK to post rules for visiting our beautiful house? Advice | Asking Eric: My ex-wife is cold to me but I want to go to her family’s parties Starting in high school and continuing through college he was not fully engaged – he did not turn in homework, missed classes. In steps “helicopter grandma” (a high school counselor and former teacher) who is unable to accept this.

What followed is eight long years of torment on both sides. He did (with my nagging) graduate from high school and college. During the two years after he graduated, we had several talks about my behavior, and I apologized several times for being so controlling.

He seemed to accept my apology and even seemed somewhat grateful. All of a sudden, nine months ago he “ghosted” me and his grandfather (who is completely innocent). I contacted him several times asking him to at least tell me why he decided to remove us from his life and have never heard back from him.

I continue to send the occasional chatty text messages like nothing is wrong but do not get a response. My husband tells me his silence is all the answer I need and to let it go. I just wish he would tell me directly why .