Dear Eric: My husband and I will celebrate our 27th anniversary soon. I am 68, he is 60. Related Articles Asking Eric: Don’t let anyone order you to play ‘Wonderwall’ Asking Eric: Should we report how our boss talks about these women? Asking Eric: Is it OK to post rules for visiting our beautiful house? Asking Eric: My ex-wife is cold to me but I want to go to her family’s parties Asking Eric: Why can’t my griping co-workers see how great this job is? My husband sends Amazon gift cards to other women for sexual favors.

Usually, these favors consist of sexting. I have recently caught him at this a couple of times. We are seniors on a fixed income.

We can’t afford this at all. He usually uses my money for these ventures. Do you consider this sexting cheating, even though it doesn’t involve physical contact? – Frustrated Wife Dear Wife: Cheating is whatever goes against the rules of your relationship.

Your husband may be confused about what the two of you agreed on – sexting wasn’t a thing 27 years ago, after all — but I think he’s just pulling a fast one. Relationships are dependent on clear communication and trust. Even if he has needs that he feels like you can’t meet, it’s his responsibility to share those with you before logging on to Amazon and firing up the sext machine.

If it’s possible for you to limit his access to your money, you should. He’s not acting responsibly. Tell him why you’re doing it – you can’t afford it and you don’.