Like many of my friends in their late 20s, my life is still in draft form. I work full time and I am also a full-time graduate student. Related Articles There are so many moving pieces, but by now I have a rough blueprint of where I want to go.

While my career goals are feeling closer than ever, other aspects of my life, such as romantic relationships feel more out of reach than ever. I have tried online dating and have matches, but I never make the effort to meet for a date. I know once I get started, a relationship will add value and fun to my life, but how do I get started when I know it will make the rest of my busy life busier and more challenging? My friends and I talk often about trying to figure out balancing work life, friendships, relationships, and our mental and physical health in our 20s.

How does one decide what to prioritize? : I’m not sure that anyone, at any point, fully achieves balance. And maybe that’s not the goal. I think of life in one’s 20s as like DJing, but not like DJing with your phone at a house party where you just hit play on Spotify and hope for the best.

Professional DJs mix live, moving the bass up, the treble down; sampling, starting another track that only they can hear, while the current track finishes up. It’s a lot of moving around. Every track is different.

And there’s always going to be somebody out in the crowd screaming, “You’re doing it wrong. Play ‘Wonderwall’!” There’s no way to do it wrong. But you should st.