Elizabeth Hawse, MD, FAAP | American Academy of Pediatrics (TNS) As the school year begins, every family wants their children to be healthy, active and ready to learn. To prepare children and teens to be at their best – physically, mentally, socially and emotionally – the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends regular visits with the pediatrician, as well as immunizations that help keep all family members healthy. As school attendance plays a huge role in the development of children and teens, families can partner with pediatricians and schools to help students thrive and succeed.

The AAP offers 10 tips on giving children their best chances for success this school year. 1. Take a sleep score! How many hours does your child sleep each night? Check online recommendations at healthychildren.

org . 2. When was their last checkup? If it’s been more than 12 months, schedule a well visit.

If they plan to play a sport, your pediatrician can complete the required pre-participation sports physical paperwork as part of the same visit. And if your child takes medication at school, your pediatrician can go over your child’s treatment plan and update instructions. 3.

Make a plan to get your child the annual flu vaccine and the updated COVID vaccine. These should be available in September; set a calendar reminder to call your pediatrician. Depending on their age, children and teens may be eligible for other vaccines, too.

4. Do a mental health check-in with your child or teen. Let.