Welcome to Ask Robb . At Robb Report , we’ve assembled a crack team of the world’s best travel specialists, our Travel Masters . Their expertise and insight in luxury travel of all kinds is unparalleled.

So we’re tapping into it directly for a new series, where our readers—that’s you—pose the pickiest travel problems to the panel. These aren’t workaday issues, whether wrangling a refund or booking a guide, but rather the unique, specific challenges that only veteran globetrotters face. Dear Robb Report: I want to take a round-the-world trip— perhaps not in 80 days , but whatever it takes.

What are my options by air and sea, and what would you recommend? What prep should I make for this kind of journey? Yours, Flighty Phileas It’s not surprising you’re interested in this idea, as the air cruise industry has made these jaunts more accessible than ever. Companies like TCS World Travel , Four Seasons and Safrans du Monde all operate round-the-world itineraries in charter jets that whisk a small group of well-heeled, jet-lag-fighting travelers round the globe at a breakneck pace, usually around three weeks or so. The real luxury, though, lies in planning one that’s entirely private and personalized, so you don’t ever risk a dull bus tour or a delayed departure thanks to an always-late couple.

Jules Maury of Scott Dunn Private spent a year sailing the high seas herself, bouncing from island to island, so she understands the yearning to circumnavigate the glo.