Q. Last winter, my beautiful wife of 54 years passed away suddenly. I miss so many things about her and am trying hard to adjust to my new life.

My wife was an amazing cook, so I never wanted for a meal. Now, I’m struggling because I only know how to cook a few things and most recipes I find are for larger families. I’ve lost too much weight, and my doctor had to increase my cholesterol and blood pressure medications.

How can I cook for one in a healthy way? A. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your wife. I imagine you are having to make many changes in your life, all while missing her tremendously.

Meal prep for just one person can be difficult, especially if cooking is new to you. AgeSpan’s registered dietician, Leigh Hartwell, RD, has the following suggestions: · Research easy recipes for one. Today, more than 14% of all American households are comprised of just one person.

This means that more people are living alone now than ever before. As a result, you can find hundreds of easy to cook recipes for one person at the library, bookstore or online. · Plan ahead.

Pick one day each week when you will plan and prepare your favorite recipes, regardless of how many servings. This allows you to freeze extra portions for later in the week. · Shop smart and read labels.

Living alone means that some of your foods may go bad before you have a chance to eat them. There are some very healthy (and inexpensive) fruits and vegetables that can be purchased frozen or in can.