Allison Keating answers your queries about life and relationships Aim to focus on the issues that are present without hurting each other. Picture: Getty Question: My husband retired last year and ever since my life has been very unhappy. He used to work all the hours God sent and I would just get on with my life and hobbies.

I assumed when he retired that he would pick up some hobbies of his own or do some gardening but all he does is hover around me and he isn’t being particularly nice. He is grumpy and snappy and we have fallen into an awful cycle of bickering as I get so upset when people shout or are aggressive towards me — verbally, he would never do anything physical. The thing is, he is a nice man.

I just think he doesn’t know what to do with himself and he is taking it out on me. How can I change the dynamic between us and not trigger his grumpiness?.