Friday, August 30, 2024 The aviation industry in the Asia-Pacific region has shown remarkable resilience and growth, with airlines experiencing a significant 19.1% year-on-year increase in passenger demand for July 2024. This strong performance reflects the ongoing recovery in air travel across the region, as countries continue to ease travel restrictions and passenger confidence grows.

According to the latest data, capacity among Asia-Pacific airlines also rose by 20.3% year-on-year, although the load factor slightly declined to 83.8%, down by 0.

8 percentage points compared to July 2023. Despite this impressive growth, most Asia routes have yet to exceed their pre-pandemic 2019 levels, with the notable exception of the Asia-Middle East route, which has seen robust recovery and growth. The Asia-Pacific aviation sector has shown remarkable resilience and growth, as reflected in the 19.

1% year-on-year increase in passenger demand reported for July 2024. This robust growth is a testament to the ongoing recovery of the region’s airlines following the global pandemic. With a corresponding 20.

3% year-on-year increase in capacity, Asia-Pacific airlines are aggressively ramping up their operations to meet the surge in demand. However, despite these positive trends, most Asia routes have yet to surpass the traffic levels seen in 2019, with the exception of the Asia-Middle East route, which has emerged as a strong performer. The 19.

1% increase in passenger demand for Asia-Pacific air.