Tuesday night, I had the worst night I’ve had in years. Stomach cramps, nausea, etc. By Wednesday morning, I was freezing cold and went right back to bed.

I can’t believe that I slept all day long. I wanted to take my phone to bed with me, but dropped it behind the dresser. I figured that I wouldn’t sleep that night, but fell asleep until early morning.

When I went to get out of bed to head to the bathroom, I slipped off the bed and fell on my butt. Okay, how do I get my legs turned around and stand up? Slowly, slowly, I shifted this way and that until I could get my knees, and using the chair, hoisted myself up. I sorta made it to the bathroom on time.

I cancelled my dentist appointment for Sunday, but am feeling so much better now. It seems that when I was indisposed, life went on without me. And at my house, besides.

My hairdresser, Johanna, left her place of business in Jewett, and is slowly moving into my husband’s former barbershop in my house. I didn’t realize all that she was doing, but hopefully, she will soon be open for business. Unrelated, but still, someone graciously left a sewing machine on my porch, which I don’t need, as I just got rid of the 4 that I had.

If anyone needs one, please let me know. It seems that people think they can unload their unwanted stuff where they want. I look at the porch of the Jewett Church Hall when I pass and quite often see “donations” on their porch.

Now, the church has to find a way to get rid of your castoffs. T.