FORT MYERS, FLA. - It’s only three weeks now until the Twin Cities greets the annual migration of a sure sign of summer: Ballplayers. More than 80 players, coaches and staff members of the Twins and Saints will move into houses, apartments or hotels — temporary but meaningful homes.
And that means moving is on the mind of many of the players in Twins camp. “It can be a lot. Guys with wives and kids, there are a lot of details to work out, especially if you’re new to the area,” said Kody Funderburk, a Saint or Twin for the past three seasons .
“A lot of it falls on the wives.” And other family members. Funderburk’s wife, Alicia, for instance, will leave Florida next week for their home in Connecticut, with a lot more travel ahead of her.
“Movers were really expensive, for some reason. So Alicia and my mother-in-law will pack everything up and drive it to Minneapolis,” Funderburk said. “I think she hired people to help get set up in Minneapolis, but I know it’s a chore.
” But at least the couple has already confirmed where they will live this year, close to their 2024 home in the North Loop neighborhood. Not everyone has done so, which is why there were so many conversations about leases, locations and luxuries in the Twins’ clubhouse this week. “My wife and I are having a hard time finding a place,” third baseman Royce Lewis said.
“We’re both looking, but we haven’t decided yet. We have a few common goals — we like to be outside a lot, an.