With the emergence of the digital era, the entire landscape of the brand world has changed. We all know that the requirement of a brand, is to reach its potential customers. In the past few decades, the scenario has been different—brands usually only advertised their products on television or print media.

But now, with the introduction of the digital era, the market has expanded, and so have the means of reaching the audience. The most significant, or we could say, most effective way is through social media creators and Actors. Imagine, the Kardashians! They are the product of what the best brand placements could bring.

Creators are the new voice of the brands, making a product reach across the world at the tip of a button with millions of followers. Recent incidents have made us question whether a brand can survive without creators/ Actors, naming one that is, Avneet Kaur who has 32 Million alone on Instagram. A brand has accused her of not fulfilling the deal that was discussed with ‘the team’.

However, one may ask - whose fault it is? What we do know is that you can’t just dismiss someone who has an influence of 32 million on Instagram and being a small business, we know how much relationship building it takes. But before a public outrage, how fair was it not to find a way? Did this actually bring attention to the brand post the controversy? Yes. From actors and creators taking up small businesses without monetary deals to help them grow, Would it be correct to say.