After a medal-winning summer, myself and Executive Beauty Editor, Shannon Lawlor, were inspired by the Olympics and Paralympics and thought it might be fun to highlight some of the beauty industry's gold medal winners that launched in August. From the to pair with your , to one of the best new that turned one amber-doubter into an lover. And then how about that will surprise even the most clued-up beauty lover? It's been quite the month for the industry, so without further ado, here are the best new beauty products from August.

Could all the winners take their places on the podiums please? "I'm going to be completely honest with you, I really like it when a brand stays in its lane. I'm not crazy about skincare brands launching make-up and vice versa. I just can't understand why anyone would choose to use a from a cosmetics brand over a derm-backed skincare brand.

That's not to say that some brands don't nail it, but more often than not I feel like saying: "Just stick to what you know!" So it's quite rare for me to take home, try and a moisturiser from a brand whose make-up already features heavily in my routine. But here's what makes Merit Beauty's new moisturiser different: it's designed to work with your complexion products as, essentially, the first step in your make-up routine. I find that my make-up lasts longer and my skin looks more radiant after using it.

It also tackles a whole host of things that plague us as we age. There's time-release hydration in there (perfect .