Veteran actor Manoj Pahwa, who shared screen space with Shah Rukh Khan in Joshi, is also a part of Aryan Khan’s upcoming web series. The actor, who is playing an important role in the web show, showered praises on the father-son duo in an interview, which was accompanied by his wife-actress Seema Pahwa. “Aryan doesn’t have any starry airs.

He is a young and hardworking boy. The process of filming this series was quite long, but it was definitely fun,” said Manoj with revealing any details of the web show to Hindi Rush. Talking about the similarities between SRK and Aryan, Manoj said, “I know Shah Rukh works 18-20 hours a day if required.

He is a workaholic, and I have seen Aryan work in a similar fashion too,” said the Mulk actor, who waxed eloquently on how Shah Rukh ensures people around him feel loved and respected. “He is Khan Sahab today because he has what it takes to be the Khan Sahab (King Khan). If you are working with him, or even if you are just standing in front of him, Shah Rukh will respect and love you with all his heart.

” Pointing out SRK’s love towards his guests, Pahwa said, “He will make you feel like you have known him forever. If you go to his office, he will come and drop you to the gate. I believe Aryan is similar on this front.

He takes care of everyone,” adding, “Whenever he (SRK) came on to the sets, he enquired about our well-being, and wanted to know if we were well taken care of by the production. In fact, during the filmin.