Shah Rukh Khan 's son Aryan Khan is all set to make his debut as a director with the web show Stardom. Actor Manoj Pahwa, who is also part of the cast, opened up about the experience of working with him on the set of the show in a new interview with Hindi Rush . Manoj also talked about what makes Shah Rukh Khan so special as a co-star, sharing that he is very respectful and caring.

(Also read: Shah Rukh Khan is back as Mufasa with Aryan Khan, AbRam Khan by his side: New trailer for The Lion King 2 stars them all ) What Manoj said about Aryan During the interview, when Manoj was asked to talk about his experience working with Aryan on the web show and whether he shares any resemblance with Shah Rukh, the veteran actor said in Hindi: “Aryan is a young and hardworking boy. The process of filming this series was quite a long process, but it was definitely a lot of fun. I know Shah Rukh works 18-20 hours a day if required.

He is a workaholic, and I have seen Aryan work in a similar way too.” One day I saw Aryan’s food coming from Mannat..

. He continued, "Shah Rukh is very respectful and loving. He will make you feel as if you have known him forever.

If you go to his office, he will come and drop you to the gate. I believe Aryan is similar in this regard as well. He also takes care of everyone.

.. One day I saw Aryan’s food coming from Mannat and I said I also want it so he started getting it for me too.

I used to tell Seema that I ate food from Shah Rukh Khan’s house. It .